Freshwater Ecology

5 09 2010

Ok so I know this has come up before – but it’s REALLY important!! 

Recently a proposal to damn the stunning Nevis River in Central Otago has been turned over by arguments based on the presence of a rare galaxiid: Galaxias gollumoides.

But the value of the surrounding landscape and the river itself were not recorded components of this decision. The problem being that when Gollum dies out (as is inevitable with the existence of trout in this river) the power companies will have a strong argument in pushing their plans ahead – then what?!

There just isn’t enough protection for our wild places, even from those who need to be on their side.

There are all sorts of challenges to surviving an aquatic life here in New Zealand. Heres a brief interview with freshwater ecologist Andy Hicks about the needs of our special fish:

Thanks again to Thom for the voice over 🙂

And if you want more on the charismatic critters living in our waterways go movieing.